Chronic feeds

Saturday, March 14

beatz in da kitchen

A friend showed me this one a while ago & i thought it was a cack! i just came across it again & it's still as funny as hell. . .

If only you could eat it too. . .

Chronicly right

A friend showed me this one a while ago & i thought it was a cack! i just came across it again & it's still as funny as hell. . .

If only you could eat it too. . .

Thursday, March 5

The Freaks come out!. .

& have i got a good one for you this time, it's a little poor taste. . like usual. it's pretty much cheap & nasty, without to many exceptions. BUT i must say i don't know whats taken me so long to use this subject as a model of 'the freaks come out' there close to perfect for it. .
Dumb, trashy, tarty & the rest>>>

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